Where to find what?
With our festival guide, our guests – visitors and participants – can easily find their way around our festival.
The entire festival programme with all times and venues is always available there, as well as all other information about the festival – such as emergency numbers, weather forecast, sanitary facilities, public transport, information beyond the festival (open-air swimming pool, castle museum, guided tours by the city guard, accommodation directory/hotels, …).
An interactive city map shows you all the important locations and how to get there.
All festival days – all dates
The entire Folklore Festival programme is available to our guests and visitors as a downloadable PDF file under the following link.
If there are any changes in the festival programme, we will publish them here.
You can find the relevant locations on our interactive city map.
Leisure activities
In alphabetical order
An den vier Festivaltagen von Freitag bis Montag gibt es immer wieder Zeiten zum Ausruhen (für besonders „Festivalgeschädigte“) oder zahlreiche Möglichkeiten an Freizeitaktivitäten für die „Nimmermüden“.
Die Wander- bzw. Radfahrwege im Schlitzerland haben eine Gesamtlänge von über 100 Km. Zu Fuß, mit dem eigenen oder gemieteten Tourenrad oder Mountainbike das Schlitzerland erleben, vorbei an Feldern und Wiesen, durch Wälder – wer zwischendurch etwas Abstand vom Festival braucht, aber in Bewegung bleiben möchte, der sollte dieses Angebot nutzen.

The Schlitz Castle Museum and the village museum “Buisch ahl Huss” in Schlitz-Fraurombach are open to those interested in culture and history. It offers an exciting pastime especially for families with children. Old knight’s armor, medieval weapons and flags, the history of Schlitz, rural and artisanal life – take the families into a time that has nothing to do with today – especially for children interesting and educational, but not only for children.
Discovering the castle town on a guided tour of the town with town guard Hagen is another highlight of Schlitz’s leisure activities.
What is hidden behind the city guard tours with Hagen is already revealed a little by their names – such as the Mysterious Tour, the Romantic Tour, the Pictorial Tour, the Whisky Tour, the Children’s Tour (with a visit to a Carrera track) , the Sayings Tour, the Tour for Lovers, the Segway Ninebot Tour or a tour with a carriage ride to the village museum in Schlitz Fraurombach.
Under the following links we inform our guests and visitors about the leisure activities during the festival and on our interactive city map you will find the corresponding locations.
and in particular
- Castle museum
- Destillery
- Village museum „Buisch ahl Huss“
- Open-air swimming pool
- Cycling
- Horse riding in the county
- Guided tours of the town
- Hiking
If there are any current changes to the leisure offers, we will publish them here.
Important telephone and emergency numbers
At a glance, you will find a telephone contact here for every emergencies.
Auskunftsstelle und Fundbüro:
Rathaus, Fon: +49 6642 / 97034
Polizeiposten Schlitz, Schulstraße 1, Fon +49 6642 / 1647, Notruf 110
Stützpunktfeuerwehr Schlitz, Salzschlirfer Straße 102,
Notruf 112 oder +49 160 / 8803472
Ärztlicher Notfalldienst – Notruf 112
July 15 – 16, 2017, 7 a.m. – medical on-call service, Fulda
Public transport / transport connections
If you do not wish to travel by car, which certainly makes sense due to the somewhat limited parking facilities, you will find the arrival and departure times of the public transport system under the following link and the corresponding stops in Schlitz on our interactive stand map.
If you do not wish to travel by car, which certainly makes sense due to the somewhat limited parking facilities, you will find the arrival and departure times of the public transport system under the following link and the corresponding stops in Schlitz on our interactive stand map.
Sonderbusverkehr 2023
List of stops
Line network map
of the Vogelberg district:
Parking areas
As the entire city centre area is “festival grounds” during the festival, there are no parking facilities there – except for residents or hotel guests, who are allowed to park in the parking spaces belonging to the hotel.
There are parking facilities around the festival area, which are marked accordingly on our interactive city map.
Here too, you can find out more by clicking on the relevant parking symbol.
Please be considerate out of your own interest!!! Please do not park in the driveways of properties or at entrances to buildings that are relevant to the system and security. Our law enforcement officers are not amused in this context.
For day visitors, it is definitely advisable to use public transport. This helps the environment, is easy on the nerves because you don’t have to search for a parking space and you can party in a relaxed way because you don’t have a car with you and don’t have to worry about it.
After all, we want you to enjoy our festival and arrive back home in good health.
Below are the parking options we recommend:
Coming from Fulda (L3143)
at the entrance to the town, at the beginning of Gräfin-Anna-Straße, turn right onto ………wiesen
At the open-air swimming pool and related to it in the area of the sports ground at Damenweg
Coming from the A7 (via L3140 or L 3176)
in the area of Bahnhofstraße REWE and REWE beverage market, Lidl or Norma market
in the area of the community center
in the Jahnstraße
in the area of Bleichenstraße and Auf den Bleichen
Coming from Lauterbach (L3140)
At the cemetery and on the access road via “Hohmannsgrund
Schoolyard of the Schlitzerland Comprehensive School via “Karlshofer Weg” or “Zur zweiten Verschönerung” – “Schlesische Straße
Coming from Bad Salzschlirf (L3141)
at the entrance of the village – “Salzschlirfer Straße
Hotel and accommodation
It is possible to stay in a hotel in Schlitz, but the local hotels are booked up very early, especially for the festival period.
Many of our festival hotel guests already book for the next festival when they leave.
Our interactive city map shows you the hotel locations. Here as well, you can find out more by “clicking” on the location.
So if you really want to stay in a hotel, you should consider whether a hotel in the neighbouring towns such as Bad Hersfeld (30 km), Bad Salzschlirf (8 km), Fulda (20 km), Hünfeld (15 km) or Lauterbach (15 km) might be suitable.
However, it is still worth asking at the hotels in Schlitz, as there can always be a cancellation and a room may become available.
But it doesn’t always have to be a hotel, especially as the nights are short during the festival anyway. In Schlitz and Schlitzerland there are a large number of guesthouses, holiday homes and private accommodation (click on “Accommodation directory” and find out.).
Accommodation and restaurant index
In addition to the local hotels, there are a whole range of other accommodation options in Schlitz and Schlitzerland – guesthouses, holiday homes, holiday flats, guest rooms, private accommodation.
You can find such offers for Schlitz on our interactive town map. With a “click” on the corresponding symbol, you will receive the relevant information.
On the website of the castle town Schlitz you can apply certain selection criteria to all vacation apartments, vacation homes, vacation rooms and hotels in order to pick out the objects around Schlitz that are interesting for you.
The offer is further complemented by the large and modern camping site at the open-air swimming pool, for camping or for users of caravans or mobile homes.
On the website of Burgenstatdt Schlitz you will also find all restaurants and pubs in and around Schlitz.
Weather forecast
As a huge open-air event, our festival was and is very dependent on the weather.
The last three festivals have shown that we have to be prepared to cope with extreme weather conditions – no matter whether it is extreme heat, unseasonable rain or storms/ hurricanes.
As your safety is our top priority, we have created the possibility for you to inform yourself about this under the button “Weather Forecast” and to protect yourself, e.g. by wearing appropriate clothing or taking protective items with you.
Please pay explicit attention to the announcements of the moderators. As an important piece of the puzzle in our safety concept, it is their task to inform you about weather developments and to give advice on how to behave.