The Schlitzerland Local History and Traditional Costume Festival Association
The Schlitzerland Local History and Traditional Costume Festival Association
Behind this rather antiquated association name hides a modern, powerful and very experienced music and folklore festival organizer.
The five-member executive board is complemented by four owners with different areas of responsibility to the overall board.
An organization team of about 20 people supports the overall board in the realization of the festival. This organization team covers all essential fields of work competently – whereby it is not only about organizing, but above all about actively helping.
Organising team
in alphabetical order
- Building yard of the town of Schlitz (setting up of stands, market stalls, stages, street cleaning, waste disposal, hanging up of flags, etc.): A. Kokel
- Cashiering by the city of Schlitz (entrance fees, stand fees, tent allocation, payment … ): vacant
- Costume collection (historical costumes): F. Siemon, H. Burkardt
- Costume collection (Schlitzerländer Trachten): V. Metzendorf (TVK)
- Design and building up team for festival floats : G. and P. Guntrum
- Electricity plant of the city of Schlitz (illumination, power supply): P. Susemichel
- Flags and banners: J. Laurinat (TVK)
- Horses and horsecoachmen supervision: J. Loos
- Market Master via the City of Schlitz: Exhibitors (organisation, support, allocation of stands): vacant
- Music bands, bands (and if necessary their accommodation): O. Weppler, A. Landgraf, P. Schlitt
- Provision of accommodation, group support: S. Schmier (TVK), H. Weller, W. Pflanz
- Safety concept: S. Schneider
- Tourism, leisure facilities (open-air swimming pool, museum etc.): N. Bonnard, H.Köckeritz
- Water company of the town of Schlitz: M.Rockel
as well as with the participation of the individual marquee operators, the amusement ride company and many involved clubs from Schlitz and Schlitzerland, such as (in alphabetical order)
- Automobile Club Schlitz 1970 e.V. (ACS)
- FSV Pfordt 1971 e.V. (sportsclub)
- Reit- und Fahrverein Schlitz und Schlitzerland e.V. (riding and carriage driving)
- Schlitz and Schlitzerland volunteer fire brigades
- TSG Slitisia e.V. Schlitz (sportsclub)
The association cooperates particularly closely with the town of Schlitz, its magistrate and administration, as well as with the Schlitzerländer Trachten- und Volkstanzkreis e.V. – but also with many other associations from Schlitz and Schlitzerland, which contribute to the success of the festival in the most diverse ways.
The association’s membership in CIOFF Germany guarantees it access to the best folklore groups in the world.
To explain: the CIOFF® (Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d’Arts Traditionnels) is a non-governmental organisation in official partnership with UNESCO – with associate status and includes all folklore festival organisers worldwide).
become part of a great team
Our association currently has about 75 members, which is actually far too few for the important task of cultural and people-to-people exchange. So new members and sponsors are very welcome.
The annual membership fee is just EUR 15.00 for private individuals and EUR 50.00 for associations or businesses. We look forward to hearing from you.

Link list
of friendly organisations or associations
Schlitzerländer Trachten- und Volkstanzkreis e.V.
Hessische Vereinigung für Tanz- und Trachtenpflege e.V. (HVT)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkstanz e. V. (DGV)
Bund kultureller Jugend (BkJ)
The board (executive)
of the Heimat- u. Trachtenfestverein Schlitzerland e.V.
Klaus Hohmeier
1. chairman
Representative at CIOFF international and CIOFF Germany, invitation and support of guest groups (folklore), festival organisation
Christina Dern
2nd chairperson
Implementation of the procession (design, organisation, performance), supervicing building up festival floats)
Markus Landgraf
2nd Chairman
Invitation and supervision of the music groups and bands, festival organisation (supervision of the procession and the closing ceremony on monday)
Michaela Göbel
Financial management, controlling
Oliver Rohde
Managing Director (CEO)
Management of the office, festival organisation, coordination of the cooperation between HTV and municipal administration, public relations
in alphabetical order
Pia Guntrum
Associate member of the board
Membership administration, member support, assistance with procession
Dieter Richter
Associate member of the board
Festival moderation, coordination of moderator team, website, protocols
Steffen Schäfer
Associate member of the board
Horses and horsecoachmen invitation and supervision, organisation of horseteam square, procession procedure
Anke Schlosser
Associate member of the board
Invitation and support of the guest groups (folklore), public relations, coordination of the cooperation between HTV and TVK